Testimony from the Summer week 2019

The Lord Jesus was healing my sense of being. I saw pictures – Jesus first dug a long tunnel, then he climbed a rounded rock with a huge cliff, he went through empty and strange places and took the lift to go down into the depths to find the little baby who was alone, alone, alone. Jesus took the baby into his hands and handed it over into the hands of his Father. Then they looked after the baby together with the Holy Spirit (Dove). And suddenly a big Book was opened and they put this baby in this Book and closed it. This picture hurt me and healed me the most. It has healed my trust that I belong fully to Jesus and I am written in the Book of Life. 

My heart, which was to some extent narcissistic, was changed.  I did not have to hide myself and I did not feel shame like before.  I felt the warmth of beautiful relationships with people on the course. I’m very grateful for it. The Lord Jesus said to me: Do you remember the action of saving the boys in a flooded cave in Thailand? To rescue the small baby in you was far harder.

Míla Jochmanová